Dance For People With Dementia

Dementia, which includes the general loss of memory and bodily functions, is often devastating to both patients and caregivers. While there has not been a linear cure for the condition, there are many ways that medics suggest to manage the disease. Dance is one of the ways of managing dementia. Here is a list of some of the ways it helps.

Helps Patients Find New Ways of Expressing Themselves

Patients with dementia can end up losing their speech. Dance can therefore become an effective way for them to feel like they are in control of their emotions again. When they move their bodies, they learn new ways of expressing themselves and showing different emotions that they would otherwise not know how to do.

Reduces Anxiety and Agitation

Dementia patients can get aggressive and even dangerous in some cases. They, however, tend to be calmer when they are engaging in activities they enjoy, such as dancing. Moreover, dancing also helps with physical fitness and alertness. Caregivers who are taking care of dementia patients can also use dance therapy to bond with the patients and to also control some of the anxiety that comes with making decisions for the demented patients.

Triggers Memories

One of the main symptoms of dementia is memory loss. Patients and their families get frustrated when they cannot remember some of the important aspects of their lives. Dance can help to trigger memories that are otherwise lost. Some patients immediately light up when they dance to the music of their childhood or listen to music they danced to during a memorable event such as a wedding.

The trick for using dance therapy for dementia patients is finding out the kind of dance they love. It also helps to explore new dancing skills and techniques that they could enjoy. The bottom line is to get them engaged.